Monday, June 25, 2007

CHINCHILLA: (2002) The Last Millenium

The Last Millennium provides more epic Valhalla metal from the land that invented such histrionics; the average track length is five minutes, every song has grandiose, fist-pumping choruses that sound as if they were coined on a field of war, and the chanting of said choruses is punctuated by dramatic, swelling keyboard fills and an overall vibe straight out of the '80s, with lyrics that do nothing to make it seem any less dated. "The Boys Are Back in Town" wasn't a very good cover choice, as the Thin Lizzy classic clashes with the rest of the disc's power-prog, which even at its best still leaves the oddly named Chinchilla lacking in comparison to several other similar Brian O'Neill, All Music

pass = hmbreed

D-load album :-)

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